Gold at the Best Mobile App Awards

Shadow’s Edge won the golden award at the best mobile app awards in the category best new mobile app!

Best Mobile app

The judges were looking for apps that recently made a big impact. They liked that the game engages players on their personal journey and makes psychosocial interventions palatable and accessible to youth. Shadow’s Edge is the first FREE game to build resilience in young people with serious health challenges.

In the game Shadow’s Edge you have the power to save an abandoned city through the power of your self-expression. You can explore the mysterious worlds of Disruption, Disillusionment, and Discovery with this self-help game that helps you in your real life too. Find your voice as you express how you truly feel.

By responding to writing prompts and covering the city of Shadow’s Edge in graffiti, you uncover your personal story and build the emotional resilience to tackle the challenges you are facing.